Sister Helena was going to be an ornithologist, but God “zapped” her and now she belongs to the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation of religious women dedicated to spreading God's Word through the media. When she’s not singing, Sr. Helena gives workshops to teens and adults on media literacy, philosophy, and Theology of the Body. Sr. Helena is the writer/producer of Media Apostle: the Father James Alberione Story and a co-producer on She also reviews movies for LifeTeen and various Catholic newspapers.

Her interests include the typical: praying, helping people, reading books, philosophy, Theology of the Body, playing keyboard, and praising God, and the not-so-typical: writing screenplays, biking, birding and rollerblading.

Favorite music: jazz, blues, black Gospel, funk, disco, Christmas music, (good) folk music, Canadian folk music, classic rock, world music, hard rock

Favorite movies: Man for All Seasons, The Mission, Blade Runner (director's cut), What About Bob?, Romero, Gran Torino

Favorite books: The Bible, Imitation of Christ, I Believe in Love, Power in Praise, The Wet Engine, Fides et Ratio, Theology of the Body, anything by JP2G or B16 or James Alberione