Sr. Mary Martha Moss, FSP, spent her childhood years in Louisiana riding horses and reading books, her two great passions. In high school, she grew in her relationship with Christ to the point that she began discerning religious life: 

"I really started to understand what it meant to be a disciple, following Jesus during my high school Confirmation classes. The challenge and the beauty of his life held a mysterious attraction for me, and I felt the invitation to follow the Lord as a religious sister. The attraction I felt was one that gave me joy and at the same time courage. I needed that courage because I realized how hard it would be to leave my family!"

One week after her 18th birthday on Christmas Day, she entered the Daughters of St. Paul. She loves being a Daughter of Saint Paul because, in her own words, “I get to be a handmaid of God, belonging totally to Him and, at the same time, belonging to people everywhere as their sister, called to pray for them, love them, and do what I can to make their world a better place.”

Sr. Martha has shared life and faith with others through the Pauline mission of evangelization at the Pauline Books & Media Centers in New York, California, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Massachusetts; through faith and media workshops; vocation retreats and presentations; faith formation for young adults; and writing for children.

When she’s not singing, Sr. Martha, who has a master’s degree in Religious Education from Boston College, currently serves as Director of Marketing and Sales for Pauline Books & Media. She enjoys writing for children and her latest book, My Baptism Remembrance Book, is geared to give children and their parents an experience of what Baptism means and how much God is part of their lives.

Sr. Martha started singing with the choir at their second concert. She enjoys the choir’s synergy created by working hard to make something beautiful that will delight and touch hearts! "And then there's the mystery of grace'" she says, "which happens because, after all, God is the foundation of it all." In addition to singing, Sr. Martha enjoys playing the French horn and trumpet for Profession and Jubilee Masses. "The hymns chosen for these very special celebrations are particularly moving," she explains, "because they focus on God's goodness, mercy, and desire to touch us all with His grace through our  mission." She also enjoys listening to classical music, country music and line-dancing!

Sr. Martha continues to love horseback riding, as well as gardening and nature walks through mountains. Psalm 23 is one of her favorite Scripture passages because she believes that the Lord looks after her (and everyone) in tremendous ways, and that His "goodness and kindness" are always working powerfully in her life whether she realizes it or not.